Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Week 5

So I am going into week 5 of Weight Watchers.  At work we are doing Weight Watchers during our lunch for 12 weeks.  I have been very good at following for the most part.  I do have problems getting in the daily oils and dairy. I do try however by putting olive oil on some of my foods or dipping a light piece of bread in olive oil.  I have been really good at tracking my points, eating my points as well as my flex points.  Depending on your weight you have a daily target of points to "eat" as well as weekly allotted points to eat.  You also earn points if you do exercise.  I must admit I wish I was doing more exercise then I have been.  But when it is nice out I do go for a long power walk. 

Since week one I have lost all but 1 lb.  YES, you read that correctly, 1 lb.  What am I doing wrong?  I don't know.  I am eating more healthy I think.  I feel I am making much better choices.  I am not as hungry, don't snack as often, and even have given up soda.  So why is it I have only lost 1 lb.?  I don't know.  I am going to print out my food tracker for my next meeting for our leader to take a look at after our meeting so she can give me suggestions or tell me what I am doing wrong.  I do notice my pants are fitting better, and I am able to fit into some pants I haven't been able to in some time.  So, what is my fat moving from one place to another?  I am not sure.  But I thought after 5 weeks I would have much more to be happy about that losing just 1 lb. 

Have you tried to lose weight and have been successful? 

1 comment:

  1. maybe you are toning up a little? Muscle weighs more than fat. Keep it up - sometimes it just takes a long time to see results. Good Luck!


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