Thursday, October 14, 2010

In all honesty....

I saw this list on another blog and enjoyed the questions and thinking about things I haven't thought about in a while.

1. Do you like sports or do you want to murder-train them? Which sports are your favorite, if you do like them?

The only sport I really enjoy is baseball. I can't understand football for the life of me.  Yes, I understand the general concept, but the fouls and the downs, and all that other lingo goes right over my head.  Baseball is the only sport I can enjoy watching live or on tv.  However I was just thinking how I don't follow it as much as I used to.  When I was younger I would tape games, I would cut out articles and make scrapbooks, rearrange my schedule to be able to watch games.  Now, not so much.  I still follow but I guess I am no longer that die hard fan I used to be.  My absolute favorite sports team is the New York Yankees.  I have liked them as long as I can remember, back when in the 80's they were definitely not the best team in baseball like they are now.  My grandfather was a big time fan and I think I followed in his footsteps.  He took me to my very first game at Yankee Stadium.

2. Which is better, chocolate or vanilla?
 This is very hard to say because I love the taste of chocolate but the smell of vanilla. 


3. What was your favorite vacation you've ever taken?
Hmmm...I haven't taken very many vacations.  And I would hate to single one out as they all have their special moments and memories.  When I was younger my grandparents, my mom and I would go down the shore for a week every summer.  I will never forget those times.  Jeff and I have taken several vacations from Mexico, to a cruise to the southern carribean and the Bahamas.  They are all very memorable and hopefully will have more to come! 

4. If you could go the rest of your life without hearing about ONE celebrity or public figure, like if that person ceased to exist, which person would it be?
This too is hard as there are many on this list I could mention....Octomom, Snookie, Kate Gosselin (and Jon too), Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton....surprisingly as I write all of these down, they have been out of the news as of late...lets hope it stays that way.

5. Do you enjoy TV watching, and if so, what's your all time favorite show?
I DO enjoy watching TV....a little too much.  There are a lot of shows but my all time favorite show would have to be.......Felicity.  This brings me back to when I was in college, a lot less complicated time in my life.  I felt very much in sync with Felicity (except I wasn't going to NYU and pursing medicine...).  But a lot of trials and tribulations she was going through I could definitely relate to.  I would love to see this show aired somewhere on tv.  It was on WE for a while.  This would be a great show to air on SoapNET.  

6. What's your favorite kind of music?
I would have to says nineties alternative rock.  I still love to listen to Oasis, Collective Soul, and my all time favorite, Everclear (you can see lyrics to one of their songs on the right side of my blog).  I have seen all of them in concert number of times.  

7. Who was your first celebrity crush?
HAHA, I am almost too embarrassed to say...but to play fair to the rules of the game I will oblige to say.  Davy Jones of The Monkees.  I was young and Nickelodeon was my favorite channel, and they aired old (at the time I didn't realize how old) episodes of The Monkees.  I have seen every episode, I have even seen them in concert.  Jeff learned of my crush early on in our relationship and got me a lunchbox and the entire cd collection of The Monkees.  Oh and i forgot, I even have his autobiography.  I got that one Easter when I was probably 8 years old, and now realizing I was probably way too young for the content in it :)

8. Tell me about your favorite outfit.
Eh, this answer won't be too exciting.  My favorite outfit consists of jeans and a comfy shirt.  I am not a sneakers kind of girl so usually flats or shoes with a little heel.  I feel I always have to be a little dressy or otherwise I look frumpy :(

9. Kittens or puppies?
If you know me you definitely should know the answer.....kitties! but I like doggies too.  I love all animals and wish I could do more for them.  I donate to animal charities when possible.  Here is a picture of my kitty Biscuit:
I would like to know what your answers would be to these questions!

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