Friday, October 22, 2010

Premiere Screening

So I was able to make it to the premiere screening of the movie "THE SOPRANO STATE New Jersey’s Culture of Corruption The Documentary: Part One".  This is the movie I won tickets for on the radio station.  The radio station was broadcasting from the theater that day.  It was interesting seeing them broadcast.  Many of the people there were somewhat clueless as they were going up to them while they were on air, asking for autograph's etc.  Granted, their staff should have prevented this somehow before getting that close up to approach them (their staff just kind of stood behind and then would say after the fact, can't come up here, etc.).

We hung around to watch them air for about an hour before we filed into the movie.  The writer's of the book Bob Ingle and Sandy McClure gave a brief introduction before the movie.  It was documentary style with a narrator Tony Darrow, whom himself has been charged with extortion, which seemed ironic he was narrating a movie about corruption.  It was not boring in the least.  I thought a documentary would be, but Tony presented it as if he was a comedian in a comedy show.  It was a raw look at corruption in this state of many of the politicians.  The main focus was on Jim McGreevy, Jon Corzinne, Sharpe James, and other lesser known stories.  You can find a full review of the movie here: review

As I mentioned the movie is a little raw with the language, otherwise I think this would be a great film for them to play in political science courses in our high schools so they could better understand the politics in New Jersey.  I think they timed it well to be released before the November elections.  Also somewhat ironic was that the very next day of the screening, superintendent of the Toms River School District was raided by the FBI and finally turned himself in for charges of bribes and kickbacks.  I guess he wants to be in Part Two of the documentary.  :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kim,

    Thanks for the think to my review of The Soprano State.

    I like your blog.


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