Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Summer's over and then some rambling

Once July 4th is over you might as well say goodbye to summer.  The day after the fourth of July stores are filled with back to school items, party stores start putting out Halloween items, and just wait the clothing stores will start rolling out the fall lines.  I guess it is a great time to buy a lot of summer items as they start going on clearance, but I dread the thought of anything fall.  I typically enjoy the summer more than anything.  Unfortunetly this summer there has been a lot of trials and tribulations.  Starting a new job this year has made it very hard to take time off.  I am basically doing work to get work done, but not really comprehending how or what I am doing.  It is constant catch up.  For the type of job and what I get paid I should be able to take time off without feeling overwhelmed, but that is not the case.  I haven't taken a day off this entire summer.  I have only taken a couple days to either take my mom to the doctor or take care of other things for my mom.  We just bought a house and I haven't had a moment to do anything with it.  We have a pool and I have been in it 3 times despite the great weather we have had this summer (with the exception of today).  This makes me think I am doing something wrong.  If I wanted a job that took up this much of my time and the stress I have been dealing with, I would have a job that paid a heck of a lot more.  I really need to evaluate what to do with my life.  I am 30 and I feel like I should be in a different spot in my life in regards to my career.  I should have followed what I initially wanted to do.  When I was in high school/college, I wanted to be a guidance counselor.  Back when I was in college NJ still had the requirement that you needed to teach 3 years before being able to be a guidance counselor.  I could not see myself teaching so I let that possible career slip out of my mind.  During college I got very involved and really enjoyed student activities.  I saw a lot of my advisors and thought what a cool job. Planning events, working with college students.  So after graduating and not being able to find a "real" job I decided to go to grad school for Higher Education Administration.  I go to a school in south jersey and go part time for the first year working part time as a temp at citibank.  The second year I decide to go full time.  My only employment is my grad assistantship.  I finish all my course and have a 4.0 GPA.  However I completely get so far behind on my thesis.  I deal with idea block, writer's block, and begin to have such anxiety over it.  Now 6 years later I am ABT (all but thesis).  What do I do???  I am thinking about every way to finish a degree without having to do a thesis.  Doing this god forsaken job makes me realize how I would really enjoy being a guidance counselor.  However to do so would require going back to school and.do.a.thesis.  This thing of doing a thesis is paralyzing me to move forward with my future, my goals.  Oh how I wish I was a guidance counselor and have summers off.  Not worrying about taking time off.  To enjoy my time of year....summer.

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