Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sleepy's beware

My mom is coming home from physical rehab and will be staying with us for a few days.  It has been a long haul and we have a lot more work to go but I am so happy she is able to come home.  Anyway, with this said, this kind of kicked us into high gear to get the guest room in order.  We had ordered a bed from a few weeks ago but it has yet to be set up because we need to clear out all the clutter from the room.  The guest room has become the catch all of stuff we don't know where to put yet.

Since she is coming to stay with us TOMORROW, Jeff had gone out last night to get a mattress.  He went to Sleepy's near our house.  I did a little research before he went but didn't have a chance to share with him the information I have collected (shipping information, etc.).  When I got home last night I had asked Jeff about the mattress he got.  I saw on the sales slip that they charged $89.99 for shipping.  On the website I thought I saw $69.99 for shipping.  I had contacted their customer service and questioned the shipping they charged us.  They told me that if bought online it is $69.99 and in store $89.99.  That really doesn't make too much sense to me as they are coming from the same warehouse.  Where the difference of $20 comes in, I don't really understand.  But then following that tidbit of information, the customer service representative says that if you purchase a mattress that subtotal is more than $600 shipping is waived.  I said the mattress we bought before tax and shipping was $599.99.  She is like well you wouldn't get the free shipping then because it wasn't $600.  It is a difference of a penny.  That is their policy she exclaims.  Well I abruptly said I will be going back to the store and taking it up with them.  If they do not refund the shipping over the difference of a penny I will be canceling my order.  In my opinion that is horrible customer service and I would hope they understand that or they are going to be losing a customer and a sale because of a penny difference.  I have to say customer service and what you get has really gone down significantly.  Wish me luck and hope I don't have to be escorted out of the store.

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