Thursday, September 16, 2010

Birthday Schmirthday

I guess I have gotten to that point in my life where birthdays don't really seem to matter.  Remember the days you would get so excited when it was getting close to your birthday, excited to receive the cards in the mail, the happy birthday wishes.  When does that fade away? and why?  It should be exciting but I view it as any other day anymore.  Jeff keeps asking me what I want and what I want to do for my birthday.  Maybe because it is on a Sunday this year (I don't particularly like Sunday's) but I just don't know what I feel like doing.  If I didn't have to go to work the next day, well that would be a different story I guess.  If you have any ideas, I am open to hearing them.  Otherwise it will be just like every other Sunday for me.

1 comment:

  1. :( I'm not one to offer birthday advice since I dread my birthday. I say take off on Monday and go out to eat with Jeff...or make him cook you dinner and use the rest of the day to do something for yourself. A walk outside, scrapbook, a movie marathon, read a book, go for a picnic, have sex all get the idea.

    Enjoy your birthday.

    *And I should be better at sending birthday cards, but I am not. I do not buy or send :( Maybe I'll try special for you since you are gloomy this year.


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